Read up on the biggest issues, elections, and public policies that are shaping our state.

Fuse’s 2024 Election Endorsements

*UPDATED JUNE 12, 2024* For questions about our endorsement process please reach out to our Campaign Director Rosey Barber at

Fuse has released our list of endorsements ahead of the 2024 election. Fuse's criteria for endorsements include:

The Republican Initiative Slate on Your Ballot

Right-wing Republicans are responsible for three hyperpartisan initiatives on the ballot this November. All are sponsored by State Representative and MAGA Republican Party Chair Jim Walsh. And all are bankrolled by conservative Republican hedge fund manager Brian Heywood, who spent more than $6 million on paid signature gatherers to qualify these measures to the legislature. They will now appear on your 2024 ballot after the state Legislature did not act on them during the 2024 legislative session:

What Happened in the 2024 WA Legislative Session

The 2024 Washington state legislative session ended on March 07, after a short session of 60 days. Let’s just say it wasn’t our favorite legislative session ever. Lawmakers were very cautious this year, especially compared to the 2023 legislative session, where they passed sweeping reforms to ban assault weapons, build middle housing, and kick Tim Eyman’s rigged and senseless advisory votes off our ballots.

How To Seek A 2024 Fuse Campaign Endorsement

Fuse is evaluating candidates and campaigns for early endorsements in the 2024 primary and general elections. We will continue to make more endorsements through the spring and early summer.

Please contact Rosey Barber at for all endorsement inquiries.

Fuse's criteria for endorsements include:

2024 Washington Legislative Session

The 2024 Washington state legislative session begins next week, as lawmakers meet for 60 days to debate and pass legislation. Here at Fuse, we’re focused on making progress in key areas that will give all Washington families a chance to thrive.

To advance these priorities, we’ve identified a number of bills that, if enacted, would bring needed progress on everything from making Big Oil corporations pay to clean up their pollution to building enough affordable housing for everyone to have a home.

The Truth About Moms For Liberty

Moms For Liberty: Who are they, what are they trying to do, and how to find them on your ballot. 

Fuse’s 2023 General Election Endorsements

For questions about our endorsement process please reach out to our Campaign Director Rosey Barber at

Fuse has released our list of endorsements for the 2023 election, along with one early endorsement for 2024. Fuse's criteria for endorsements include:

College Coffee With a Splash of Union Busting

The University of Washington faces a decision; live their own stated values of holding their suppliers to the standards of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights or re-sign their contract with the union-busting coffee corporation, Starbucks, when it expires on June 30.

What Happened in Olympia This Year?

The Washington State Legislature officially ended the 2023 session on Sunday, April 23, after 105 days of debate, hearings, and votes on bills. Where we won, we won big this legislative session! From banning assault weapons to increasing affordable home-building to giving Tim Eyman’s advisory votes the boot, legislators made big progress on some critical issues facing our state.

2023 Washington Legislative Session

The 2023 Washington Legislative session is underway, and the strengthened progressive majority delivered by voters means legislators have a big opportunity to pass bold progressive bills this year! Here at Fuse, we’re focused on making progress in key areas that will give all Washington families a chance to thrive.