The Republican Initiative Slate on Your Ballot

Tuesday, April 2, 2024

Right-wing Republicans are responsible for four hyperpartisan initiatives on the ballot this November. All are sponsored by State Representative and MAGA Republican Party Chair Jim Walsh. And all are bankrolled by conservative Republican hedge fund manager Brian Heywood, who spent more than $6 million on paid signature gatherers to qualify these measures to the legislature. They will appear on our November ballot:

  • Initiative I-2109 (I-2109) repeals Washington's current capital gains excise tax on stock market profits greater than $250,000. This tax break for the wealthy will eliminate nearly $900 million in yearly funding for early learning, child care, K-12 education, and school construction.
  • Initiative 2117 (I-2117) repeals the 2021 Climate Commitment Act that protects the air we breathe, the water we drink, and the salmon in our streams. I-2117 eliminates billions in funding for clean energy and transportation, and returns the responsibility of paying for the impacts of pollution to communities and families, rather than the polluters themselves.
  • Initiative 2124 (I-2124) would eliminate long term care coverage for working Washingtonians by bankrupting the WA Cares Fund. This would mean millions of Washingtonians will lose more than $8.1 billion in guaranteed benefits that kick in if they have a debilitating illness, injury, or condition that requires long-term care.
  • Initiative 2066 (I-2066) would increase energy bills by forcing utility companies to continue investing in outdated technology, passing the costs onto families and businesses. I-2066 is part of a nationwide scheme by fossil fuel corporations and well-funded interest groups who want to stop the transition to clean energy and make as much money as possible, while families and businesses pay higher bills.

How should I vote on the four initiatives?

You should vote “no” on all four.

Want to learn more? Get all the details on the Defend Washington website, the coalition group opposing all four initiatives and fighting back against Brian Heywood's attempt to buy himself a tax cut.

screenshot of Defend WA homepage